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Mayor Leads Thousands of Indonesians in Protest March Against LGBT+

Mahyeldi Ansharullah, the mayor of Padang in Indonesia, has led thousands on an anti-LGBT+ march through the city, the Advertiserreports.


The demonstration was part of a crackdown in the region on the LGBT+ community, it was called the “Long March Action to Reject LGBT in West Sumatra and Declaration of Sin-Free Padang” and made its way through two kilometres of the city.


“To the perpetrators of sin, let them repent and those who protect them immediately be aware because they will face opposition from all parties and communities in Padang as well as security forces,” Mahyeldi said.


Homosexuality is only illegal in the parts of Indonesia that are under Sharia law, although there are groups attempting to update the country’s criminal code which would outlaw homosexuality across the entire archipelago. 


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