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NBA Legend Dennis Rodman Says He Believes 10-20% Of Pro Athletes Are Gay

NBA Hall of Fame athlete Dennis Rodman, thinks that the fact that there are no openly gay athletes in any of the four major American sports could change. 

"I don't know why people haven't came out before," Rodman told Business Insider while promoting ESPN's new "30-for-30" documentary, "Rodman: For Better or Worse." "It's cool that people are coming out being, you know, gay or homosexual or whatever, lesbian and stuff like that.”

“Rodman: For Better or Worse” has a portion focused on the athletes' relationship with the LGBT+ community. Although he has denied being gay, during his NBA career Rodman spoke openly about partying in gay clubs, dressing in drag and fantasizing sexually about men. 

In an interview with Business Insider Rodman says that after the Sports Illustrated article doors were opened between athletes and the LGBT+ community.

"They didn't know the fact that when [they] shot that cover for the Sports Illustrated that that was the best-selling Sports Illustrated ever," Rodman said. "And then the gay community started to reach out to me and said, 'Wow, we never knew that our community can be represented like that in sports.' And people didn't know at the time that I was doing that.

"I was, you know, doing all the drag clubs, I was dressing in drag. I was dressing in women's clothes, I was doing lingerie and stuff like that and people in the gay community started embracing me," he continued. " If you're gay, I didn't give a damn.”

He goes on to say: “I wouldn't be surprised, literally, I've said it all along, if 10% or 20% of people in the NBA, or any sports, [are] gay. I wouldn't be surprised. It wouldn't shock me at all. I think today, it wouldn't shock anyone. I think that'd be more acceptable now than anything.”

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