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New Study Finds Majority of Americans Support Anti-Discrimination Laws For LGBT+

A new study from the Public Religion Research Institute has a found a majority of people in every state of the US supports anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT+ people.


The survey found 69 percent of all Americans supported these laws, that breaks down to 79 percent of Democrats, 70 percent of independents, and 56 percent of Republicans. 70 percent of Mormons, 71 percent of Protestants and 60 percent of Muslimsall supported LGBT+ protections as well.


Currently, it is still legal to discriminate against LGBT+ people in 30 states in areas such as public accommodations, jobs, housing, and services.


“Majorities of Americans across virtually all demographic groups and geographical locations support laws protecting LGBT people,” the PRRI said.


“As LGBT issues continue to take centre stage in American political discussion, support for federal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people is one of the issues on which people agree across lines of party, religion, demographics, and region.”

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