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New Year's Resolutions for LGBTQ+ Allyship

The new year is an opportunity to reflect and set intentions for personal growth and positive change arises. While many individuals focus on health and career goals, it's equally important to consider resolutions that foster inclusivity and support for marginalized communities. Let's make a commitment to incorporate LGBTQ+ allyship into our New Year's resolutions, fostering a more inclusive world for everyone. Here are practical and meaningful ways to embrace LGBTQ+ allyship as you embark on the journey of the upcoming year.


1. Educate yourself

The first step toward becoming a better ally is to educate yourself about the LGBTQ+ community. Take the time to understand the history, struggles, and triumphs of the community. Read books, articles, and watch documentaries that provide insights into the diverse experiences within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Familiarize yourself with inclusive language and terminology, recognizing the importance of respectful and affirming communication.


Consider including LGBTQ+ literature in your reading list or following LGBTQ+ authors, activists, and organizations on social media platforms. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and by educating yourself, you contribute to dismantling stereotypes and fostering a more informed and empathetic society.


2. Amplify LGBTQ+ voices

Use your platform and privilege to amplify the voices of the LGBTQ+ community. Share content, stories, and experiences from LGBTQ+ individuals on your social media channels. By doing so, you not only provide visibility but also contribute to the normalization of LGBTQ+ narratives in mainstream conversations.


Support LGBTQ+ artists, writers, and creators by engaging with their work and promoting their projects. Attend LGBTQ+ events, forums, and discussions to gain a deeper understanding of the community's diverse perspectives. By actively participating in these spaces, you demonstrate your commitment to creating an inclusive environment for everyone.


3. Advocate for inclusive policies

Make it a resolution to advocate for and support inclusive policies within your workplace, community, or social circles. Be an ally by encouraging your workplace to adopt non-discriminatory policies that protect LGBTQ+ employees. Support businesses and organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion.


Within your organization commit to actively promoting inclusive practices and events that embrace diversity. Advocate for gender-neutral bathrooms, diverse representation, and LGBTQ+ workplace training. By championing these efforts, you contribute to creating safer and more welcoming spaces for everyone.


4. Challenge and address homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

As an ally, it's crucial to address and challenge LGBTQ-phobia whenever you encounter it. Make a resolution to be vigilant about microaggressions, discriminatory comments, or harmful stereotypes. Take the time to educate those around you and engage in open and respectful conversations.


Use your privilege to create a supportive environment by fostering understanding and empathy. If you witness discriminatory behavior, be prepared to intervene and offer support. By actively confronting prejudice, you contribute to the broader goal of creating a society where everyone can live authentically without fear of discrimination.


5. Support LGBTQ+ charities and organizations 

Allocate time, resources, or donations to LGBTQ+ organizations that work towards promoting equality, rights, and support for the community. Research and identify organizations and charities that align with your values and make a commitment to regularly contribute to their causes.


Whether it's volunteering your time, participating in fundraising events, or making financial contributions, your support plays a vital role in their success. By actively engaging with and backing LGBTQ+ initiatives, you contribute to the overall well-being and advancement of the community.


6. Foster inclusive friendships

Expand your social circles to embrace individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. Actively seek out opportunities to connect with people of different sexual orientations and gender identities. By fostering inclusive friendships, you create a supportive network that promotes understanding, empathy, and shared experiences.


Attend LGBTQ+ events, social gatherings, and support groups to broaden your perspective and build meaningful connections. Embrace the opportunity to learn from diverse experiences and celebrate the richness that comes from a variety of backgrounds.



Incorporating LGBTQ+ allyship into your New Year's resolutions is not just a personal commitment but a collective effort to create a more inclusive and accepting world. By educating yourself, amplifying voices, advocating for inclusive policies, addressing discrimination, supporting charities, and fostering inclusive friendships, you actively contribute to the betterment of society.


As we embark on a new year, let's strive to make a positive impact by promoting acceptance and understanding. By embracing LGBTQ+ allyship in our resolutions, we take a step towards building a world where everyone, regardless of their identity, can thrive authentically and without fear of discrimination.

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