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Republican governor vetoes bill that would have banned conversion therapy in Maine

Far-right Maine Governor, Paul LePage, vetoed a bill last Friday that would have banned gay conversion therapy in the state. The bill would have prohibited mental health professionals from subjecting teenagers and children to harmful conversion therapy practices, practises which attempt to change the sexual orientation of the patient.

The anti-LGBT, pro-Trump Governor called the bill “bad public policy” stating it would attempt “to regulate professionals who already have a defined scope of practice and standard of care per their statutory licensing requirements.

“I strongly agree that young people should not be physically or mentally abused if they come out to their parents or guardians because they have experienced sexual or romantic attraction to an individual of the same gender. However, as it is written—‘any practice or course of treatment’—can call into question a simple conversation.”

The bill’s openly gay sponsor, Democratic Representative Ryan Fecteau, called LePage’s statement “ludicrous.”

Human Rights Campaign national field director Marty Rouse agreed, saying in a statement: “Governor LePage’s shameful decision to veto this life-saving legislation leaves Maine’s LGBTQ youth at risk of being subjected to a practice that amounts to nothing less than child abuse. HRC calls on the Maine legislature to override this veto and to demonstrate to the state’s LGBTQ youth that their lives and well-being are worth protecting.”

Matt Moonen, executive director of EqualityMaine, added: “Government’s greatest responsibility is to protect its most vulnerable citizens, especially minors who may not be able to protect themselves. Governor LePage had the opportunity, in one of his final acts as governor, to make Maine a safer place for LGBTQ youth. Unfortunately, he chose petty politics over protecting kids.”

Maine legislature will reconvene early this week to see if they can override LePage’s veto, even though they do not have the two-thirds majority in the House and Senate required to override the Governor.

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