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Sir Ian McKellen Talks Candidly About Hollywood Sexual Abuse Scandals


Sir Ian McKellen sat down with BBC Radio 4 presenter Evan Davis at National Student Pride and discussed at length the sexual abuse allegations being levelled against a number of out Hollywood players, reports Metro Weekly.


“Well frankly, I’m waiting for someone to accuse me of something, and me wondering whether they’re not telling the truth and me having forgotten,” he said when asked about the recent scandals plaguing Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer.


“Both of them were in the closet,” he added.


“And hence all their problems as people and their relationship with other people.


“If they had been able to be open about themselves and their desires, they wouldn’t have started abusing people in the way they’ve been accused.”


Singer, the director of the Oscar winning Bohemian Rhapsody, has had eight men come forward with accusations of sexual assault. Spacey has had dozens of sexual harassment and sexual assault claims.


When asked if both “should be forced to stop working,” McKellen said: “Well, that’s debatable.


“I rather think that’s up to the public. Do you want to see someone that’s been accused of something that you don’t approve of? Do you ever want to see them again?


“If the answer is no, you won’t buy a ticket, you won’t turn on the television.


“But there may be others for whom that’s not a consideration, and it’s difficult to be exactly black and white.”

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