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Studies show schools and parents struggle to talk to LGBT+ kids about sex ed

A new study from Northwestern University has found that straight parents struggle to give “the talk” about sex to their LGBT+ children. The study, called ‘Parents struggle to discuss sex with LGBTQ teens’, surveyed 44 parents of LGBT+ teenagers and found that most felt “uncomfortable and unequipped” to talk about sex to their children.


The study found two main reasons why: the first was that straight parents found it difficult to talk about non-reproductive sex with their children, and the second was the general lack of queer sex ed in schools.


The study’s lead author Michael E. Newcomb wrote: “at the most basic level, the mechanics of sex differences, and parents, assuming they’re heterosexual, most likely don’t know much about those mechanics. If LGBTQ teens are unprepared when they start having sex, they may be more likely to engage in unsafe behaviours.” 

The study advises parents and schools to seek out sex education resources, like those provided by GLSEN and Scarleteen, that are inclusive and diverse. Teaching LGBT+ teenagers about safe sex, consent, STI prevention, and sexual violence is vitally important, the study concludes.

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