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Study Finds Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Cased “Psychological Distress” For LGBT+ Australians

The University of Sydney has discovered that the 2017 vote on same-sex marriage caused significant “psychological distress” for LGBT+ Australians.


The study surveyed 1,305 LGBT+ people across Australia during the vote, which ran from September 12, 2017 to November 7, 2017 and found significant link between exposure to homophobic campaign content and “increased levels of depression, anxiety and stress.”


“More frequent exposure to negative, anti-LGB media messages was associated with increased psychological distress in LGB Australians during the postal survey,” the study writes.


“The findings corroborate the public health concerns expressed by the community, and many leading mental health organisations and government agencies, regarding the detrimental effect of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey on the mental health of LGB Australians.”


“The findings highlight how political decision-making and legislative processes related to the rights of minority populations have the potential to negatively affect their mental health,” says lead author Stefano Verrelli, a doctoral candidate at the University of Sydney’s School of Psychology.

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