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‘The Sims’ has been banned in several countries because of its LGBT+ content

Several countries have banned a mobile version of the popular Sims game, supposedly because of gay content. The app, ‘The Sims: Freeplay’, has been removed from stores in China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Egypt. EA Games has declined to comment on the specifics of the ban, but have instead issued a statement saying it is because of “regional standards”.

The Sims has long been one of the most LGBT+ friendly games on the market. The Game has removed all gender barriers for avatars, you can be in a relationship with any sex, and male characters can be pregnant.

An EA spokesperson has said of the ban: “We’ve always been proud that our in-game experiences embrace values as broad and diverse as our incredible Sims community. This has been important to us, as we know it is to you.”

People who have already downloaded the app in those countries can still use it, but will be unable to make in-app purchases.

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