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Thousands Gather in Warsaw to Support LGBT+ Community After Attack on Biaĺystok Pride

Thousands of protesters gathered over the weekend in Warsaw to support the LGBT+ community following a series of attacks from right-wing groups on Biaĺystok Pride.


Biaĺystok is a city in Poland and celebrated its first every pride a week ago. They were met with far-right campaigners who threw glass bottles, rocks, and firecrackers into the parade.


They also burned rainbow flags and posted footage online of them violently attacked young people.


“The tension is growing and is tied to the politics of the ruling party, which are hateful and intolerant,” one Warsaw protestor told Reuters.


“(This) include blaming LGBT people and painting them as paedophiles and bad people.”


Poland’s ruling party is the Law and Justice party (PiS) which has a fraught history when it comes to LGBT+ rights.

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