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Impulse London inclusive employer
Impulse London

About Impulse London

Founded in 2009 by Jose Ramos, Impulse Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a stronger and healthier community for queer men and the LGBTQ+ community. Hosting over 400 events annually in twenty-six cities across the globe, Impulse seeks to create a brave space to engage, support and connect our community.

Working for Impulse London

Impulse is entirely volunteer run and we’re always happy to speak to anyone who is interested. The London chapter has four core teams; advocacy, marketing, events, and operations so you would be placed into one of these based on your interests and the needs of the chapter. We have monthly whole chapter meetings and monthly team meetings that you would be expected to attend, as well as volunteering at events throughout the year.

Diversity & Inclusion

Impulse has recently set up an international EDI committee that will work to support chapters be more inclusive, as well as reviewing internal systems and processes to ensure they are designed with equity.

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