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Building Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a fundamental aspect of personal well-being and success, influencing how we perceive and interact with ourselves and the world around us. This workshop aims to provide insight and perspective as well as practical tools and ideas to build and enhance self-esteem, to support a more positive self-image and inner confidence. 

Workshop Highlights:

  • Develop an understanding of what self-esteem is and why it is so important for overall well-being
  • Explore the components of self-esteem, such as self-worth, self-acceptance, and self-confidence.
  • Learn to challenge negative self-talk and beliefs that undermine your self-esteem
  • The practice of meta-cognitive-behavioral techniques to reframe negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones.
  • How to set realistic and achievable goals that align with personal values and strengths.
  • Take away self-care practices that nurture self-esteem
  • Ideas for proactive steps to build and maintain healthy self-esteem in your daily life

Interactive Elements:

You can expect some individual exercises and self-reflection as part of this workshop. There will be opportunities to share thoughts and ask questions, where you can keep anonymous if required.

Benefits/Key Takeaways:

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of self-esteem and develop practical skills for building a more positive outlook and confidence for themselves.

- Join the next myGwork panel here: Sharing the Stories of Lesbian, Bisexual Women & Non-binary People

- Join the next myGwork workshop here: Make the Most of Your Big, Beautiful Brain!

About myGwork:

myGwork is the global LGBTQ+ business community. We offer a safe space for people to connect with inclusive professionals, find jobs, attend events, and catch up on the latest LGBTQ+ news.

Join myGwork community here!


  • Martyn Thomas
    Martyn Thomas
    Talent & ED&I Consultant
    Martyn Scott-Thomas
    I founded my own HR Talent Consultancy. I provide Talent expertise and solutions and specialist ED&I education and support. A Global Senior People Leader with 15 years of HR experience in large Global organisations such as Starbucks and I have particular expertise in Talent Acquisition, Career Development, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Management, Wellbeing and People Leadership. I am also an Accredited Coach and Counsellor . You can request a free consultation to find out more. Email contact [email protected] Follow @mstthejourney on instagram I am proud to partner and work with the team at myGwork, where I design and facilitate specialised training and workshops and can be found as a Host/Panellist at certain events.
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