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Discover St. James's Place Financial Adviser Academy

Aimed at those looking to understand a little more about the St. James Place Financial Adviser Academy, this introductory event will give you everything you need. With a varied line up, you’ll hear about the amazing market opportunity, what it’s like to be a financial adviser or business owner, what the qualifications might entail and a whole lot more. You’ll hear from experts on how we train and support people just like you. You’ll also hear from those that have been in exactly your position and how, through the Financial Adviser Academy, they have gone on to build successful careers and businesses. We’re delighted to also have best-selling author, Liz Whittaker, with us. She’ll be talking about the ‘power of personal’ and how you can best use your network.

This promises to be an informative, interactive session, where you can ask questions, giving you everything you need to make an informed decision about your future.

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