myGwork is getting a refresh!

In the coming weeks, myGwork will go through an update. Our services will remain the same.

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WorkPride 2023: E-Learning Module

When it comes to diversity and inclusion training, LGBTQ+ topics can sometimes feel difficult for uninitiated staff to wrap their head around. Join us as we discuss myGwork’s new Academy, the e-learning modules available to train staff, and the business case for ensuring that everyone is up to speed on diversity and inclusion topics. Check it out!

- Join the next WorkPride 2023 event here: WorkPride 2023: How to Secure a Career in Tech

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  • M
    Stephan Heinz
    Stephan Heinz
    Investor & CSO
    Experienced global consulting professional and MBA (INSEAD) with over 10 years in the aviation industry focusing on large scale airline transformation and restructuring projects. Strategic advisor and investor for start-ups focused on LGBTQ+ and diversity. Author and key note speaker on airline strategy, with a particular focus on Africa. Part-time lecturer on Airline Strategy (Cranfield Univerisity, University of Surrey). Passionate about aviation, flight simulation, travel, cooking, horse-riding, LGBT issues and helping businesses grow!
  • Aasha Tikoo
    Aasha Tikoo
    Director of Strategic Partnerships
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