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WorkPride 2023 (in Spanish): Profesionales que inspiran, más allá del arcoiris

Éste será un espacio donde se pondrá la mirada en los sueños, las expectativas y la experiencia de las carreras profesionales de las personas LGBTQ+. Un panel en el que, desde el testimonio de sus protagonistas, aprenderemos de la trayectoria de profesionales en diferentes campos de conocimiento, la importancia de hacerse visibles en sus espacios laborales y cómo hacerlo más allá de su orientación e identidad sexual y de género. Abordaremos sus vidas, sus pasiones y sueños fuera del arcoíris, sin restringirnos a etiquetas.

Acerca de myGwork:


myGwork es una comunidad para profesionales y graduadas/os LGBTQ+, empresas inclusivas y cualquier persona que crea en la igualdad en el espacio de trabajo. Su objetivo es empoderar al colectivo LGBTQ+, ofreciendo a sus miembros un espacio seguro donde pueden realizar networking, encontrar trabajos, conectar con mentores, participar de eventos profesionales y tener acceso a noticias y contenidos de interés.


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Patrocinado por: RS Group and Warner Bros. Discovery

RS GroupWarner Bros. Discovery inclusive employer


  • Niarchos Pabalis
    Niarchos Pabalis
    Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    Warner Bros. Discovery
    Niarchos is a proud latino gay man who completed his studies in Computer Science. Born in Brazil and raised in Uruguay, Niarchos experienced cultural intelligence from a very young age. After joining multinational German company SAP in 2010, his passion for equal opportunities led him to join Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) efforts as a volunteer. He was soon transferred to SAP’s headquarters for a one-year assignment reporting to SAP’s Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer. During his stay in Germany, he was responsible for 100+ Employee Resource Groups and coordinated the development of the company’s first Diversity & Inclusion Learning Program, which was later rolled out worldwide and is currently part of the learning curriculum available to SAP’s 100K+ employees. Due to his efforts in support of inclusion and belonging, Niarchos later became the Head of Diversity & Inclusion for SAP Latin America & the Caribbean in 2015. Based in Brazil, he spearheaded the design and execution of the regional award-winning Diversity & Inclusion strategy. In 2016, the Financial Times selected Niarchos as one of the Future Global LGBT+ Leaders. Due to Niarchos’ leadership, in 2019 SAP earned 30 D&I awards, including Guia Exame de Diversidade (Brazil), WEPs (Brazil), Premios Flor (Argentina), Eikon (Global) and MarComm (Global). At SAP, Niarchos launched the Autism at Work in 5 locations, increased 5% women in Leadership, launched 30 Employee Resource Groups and helped SAP to become a well-know D&I leader in the Latin American market. In early 2020, Niarchos decided joined the Wikimedia Foundation as Director of Global Diversity & Inclusion leading a global team while in in 2021 he relocated to the Netherlands to serve as Global Head of Employee Activation. In 2022, Niarchos joined Warner Bros. Discovery as the new Director of Equity & Inclusion LATAM. Niarchos loves travelling and is a huge fan of genealogy, building his family tree with over 4.500 people up to the year of 1200.
  • Jose Ignacio Alegre Yunes
    Jose Ignacio Alegre Yunes
    Customer Success Manager
    Originally from Argentina, but currently living in Spain. I have spent the last decade developing commercial and communications projects with C-Level clients in 10+ emerging markets while also living in them. Currently, contributing to building a business community for LGBT+ professionals, graduates, inclusive employers, and anyone who believes in workplace equality. Current Member of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and player, at Madrid Titanes RC, the first inclusive rugby team in Spain. Executive MBA Candidate at IE Business School.
  • Eva Díaz
    Eva Díaz
    Shaping the New
    She has just founded Shaping The New, an organization focused on helping the companies and leaders to create the future on a disruptive world. Based on developing a new model of leadership on values, authenticity and purpose, Shaping The New works with the C-level to develop through a strategy focused of integration and collaborative models on the key disruption drivers: culture, talent, market approach, sustainability, diversity, innovation and technology. From December 2022 is leading Euthenia initiative from Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Euthenia is a community of Top Senior Executive Women focus on developing executives capacities on young women in the Mediterranean countries to help on getting the gender parity on executive positions. Furthermore, she is currently CEO of Appogeo Digital; Spanish capital company that develops mobility solutions. The company was founded in 2019 by Accenture partners and is focused on bringing technology closer to less digitized sectors such as seniors, healthcare and retail, and being the technology engine of broad projection start-ups. She began her professional career in the consulting division of Arthur Andersen (now Accenture) and has gone through large companies such as Deloitte Consulting and KPMG to later be one of the founders of the Spanish division of Business Integration Partners. In positions of the Management Committee since 1999, he has extensive experience in management and direction, business development strategy, managing complex environments and team development.
  • Jesús Ortega Roldán
    Jesús Ortega Roldán
    Chief Compliance Officer
    Devoted to the Corporate Compliance, I pursue Ethics in business and help colleagues to implement the company’s principles and values in their regular activities. I participate as lecturer in the ESADE’s Corporate Compliance Postgraduate. Previous large experience in in-house counsel in public services, retail, franchising and housing companies. As journalist, I manage a radio program about theatre for more than seven years.
  • Javier Raya OLY
    Javier Raya OLY
    Olympian, IOC Young Leader, Communications & Sustainability
    International Olympic Committe
    Patinador artístico sobre hielo, Olímpico y actual Joven Líder del Comité Olímpico International Como deportista abiertamente gay, Javier ha participado en numerosos actos del colectivo LGTBIQ+ para abogar por una mayor diversidad e inclusión en el deporte. Tras su retirada como deportista, Javier se ha involucrado más allá como figura de embajador, trabajando en numerosos proyectos sobre Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en el deporte, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, especialmente en el Movimiento Olímpico. En colaboración con el COI, Javier ha desarrollado Compete Proud, una plataforma dirigida a la comunidad LGTBQI+ en el deporte, así como para organizaciones y federaciones deportivas, en la que se ofrecen recursos para una mayor visibilización e inclusión del colectivo, desde el deporte nivel base hasta los Juegos Olímpicos.
  • Tamara Adrian
    Tamara Adrian
    Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
    Activista y diputada, coordinadora del movimiento Proinclusión de Voluntad Popular,15​ trabaja en conjunto con organizaciones LGBT en Venezuela. Es representante de la Red de Lesbianas, Gay, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersexuales de Venezuela, la cual tiene como meta presentar la propuesta del matrimonio igualitario a la AN.16​ Es también copresidenta de GLISA (Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association).
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