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Conservative MP Rob Roberts Comes Out

Conservative MP Rob Roberts used the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia to come out as gay while urging the wider community to fights LGBT+ hate in the United Kingdom.

On a Twitter post, Roberts wrote:

“Today is the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. It’s amazing that it is still a thing in 2020, but it really is and really needs more work to combat all across the globe.

“We saw news footage from an African country just this week of people being beaten and punished for being gay, with the leaders of the communities promising ‘swift action to deal with the problem’. Such a huge shame.

“In the UK, attitudes and societal beliefs have changed for the better in the past couple of decades. But there is more to do, as always.”

He rounded off his Tweet thread by coming out, “There. I may have alluded to it before, but never said it. I’m no longer afraid to be who I am. On this day, it feels particularly poignant and a good time to say it. As a society of people we must do better. As a member of the world community, we must do better.”

According to ‘DNAmagazine’, Roberts received a lot of support, with Out Tory MP Crispin Blunt wrote: “Congratulations Rob. You’ve made it a very special IDAHOT day in Delyn. Being free to be oneself is incredibly special and I found huge support from other’s experience having taken the step you have. Happy to share mine!”

Labour MP Alex Davies-Jones wrote: “Sending you solidarity from across the political divide ”. Labour’s Geraint Davies added: “Congratulations Rob. There’s a happier world over the  rainbow. See you soon on Welsh Affairs Committee.”

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