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Diversity in action: 5 strategies for supporting Neurodiverse people in the workplace

By Jenna Williams, Data Scientist at Brown-Forman

My name is Jenna Williams, and within Brown-Forman, I work on the Global Advanced Analytics and AI team as a data scientist. With a background in analytics, accounting/finance, and nonprofits, I enjoy being actively engaged in educational and community initiatives.

As the neurodiversity cluster lead for the newest employee resource group at Brown-Forman, AAVID (Awareness & Advocacy of Visible & Invisible Disabilities/Differences), I am committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all, focusing on awareness and advocacy for neurodiverse individuals. Outside of Brown-Forman, I am on the Board of Directors at AMPED, a Louisville community-driven organization focused on creativity and self-sustainability through music, education, technology, and business.

Here are the Top 5 ways we can support and empower neurodiverse people in the workplace and promote inclusivity.

1) Leverage Mentorship Programs: Pair neurodiverse employees with mentors who can provide guidance, feedback, and support in their professional growth and leadership development.

2) Provide Tailored Support:  Encourage leaders to extend key best practices for leading neurodiverse employees to include everyone on their team. For example, enabling closed captions and allowing flexibility for using video during virtual meetings can help avoid sensory overload and make meeting follow-up easier for everyone. Ask all your employees how they prefer to communicate, what helps them to concentrate, and what you can do to help them achieve work/life balance.

3) Establish Neurodiversity ERGs: Create and support ERGs or similar communities within the workplace to provide a platform for neurodiverse employees and their allies to share experiences and support each other.

4) Promote Neurodiversity Awareness and Training: Implement regular training sessions for all employees to foster understanding and appreciation of neurodiversity, addressing biases and promoting inclusivity.

5) Create Inclusive Recruitment and Retention Processes: Adapt hiring practices to be more accessible to neurodiverse candidates, offering alternative interview formats and ensuring clear and precise job descriptions. Ensure neurodiverse individuals have equal access to professional development and advancement opportunities within the company.

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