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French People Protest Against Law That Allows Lesbians Access To IVF Treatment

After the French MPs approved a bill to legislate IVF treatments to lesbians and single women, thousands of people are protesting against it in the streets of Paris.

More than 75,000 people showed up in the protest, claiming that “the law deprives children of a paternal figure, threatens the family structure, and could allow surrogacy for gay men”, Gay Times has reported.

Yann Raison de Cleuziou, a sociologist, felt that the protest was only being held as a message, rather than trying to change the policy. “The people demonstrating will be doing it more out of moral conviction, a sense of duty, rather than to try to make the government back down,” he said.

Gilbert Collard, a French member of the European Parliament, tweeted an hour into the protest, "Due to the great number of French people present, an alternative route has been put in place."

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