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Pride Serves as a Reminder That I Am Not Alone in My Journey

By James Linnington, Senior Recruitment Marketing Specialist at Parexel

I have asked myself why Pride and Pride Month is an essential part of my life. Upon reflection, I see it as an opportunity to celebrate my unwavering self-acceptance, resilience, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community. In a world that so often marginalizes and discriminates against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, Pride month empowers me to fully embrace my true authentic self, and I believe it can encourage others to do the same, or at least not feel so alone or alienated.

Pride serves as a reminder that I am not alone in my journey and that there is a vibrant and diverse community that stands alongside me. Through Pride parades and events (both physical and virtual), I find that there is the opportunity to connect with others who have faced similar challenges and triumphs. It reinforces my belief that in a world that currently seems to be spouting so much hatred against the LGBTQ+ community, I/we deserve love, acceptance, and respect, just like anyone else.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have encountered various forms of discrimination, prejudice, exclusion and microaggressions throughout my life and career. For me, luckily, such discriminations were relatively minor; however, I am cognisant that for other community members, it can be far worse. Pride instils in me the courage and strength to rise above these barriers and continue to live authentically. It acts as a powerful force that reminds me that I am deserving of equality and fairness, even when society attempts to suppress our community.

Celebrating Pride at work demonstrates my company’s (Parexel) commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace. By acknowledging and embracing LGBTQ+ employees, Parexel creates an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued. This inclusivity enhances employee morale, productivity, and overall well-being. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company where you can be your true authentic self and be celebrated for it!

Pride month reminds me that this is a dedicated time to be an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. Although, in all honesty, Pride should be something celebrated and practiced 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year!

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