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"I am free to be my most authentic self.": Meet RTX PRIDE ERG lead, Matthew Eccleston

    Ahead of LGBTQ+ History Month in February, meet RTX PRIDE's new head, Matthew Eccleston, and find out what he's got in store for the ERG this year.

    Matt is a software engineer within the AVON team, and at the end of 2023 got appointed head of RTX PRIDE ERG. His journey to becoming the ERG lead is something a lot of people can relate to, only initially joining the ERG as there was a need for an office rep, although once he joined become more involved was a no brainer. He shares, “I wanted to be involved because I don’t really engage that much with our community in any other part of my life and I personally really wanted to change that.”  

    Opening up about how becoming actively involved was a big step outside his comfort zone Matt continued, “being this open with my sexuality and identity is not something I’m used to at all, but ending up in this position is incredible and I love the challenge.”  

    Speaking of the importance of being a part of RTX PRIDE Matt said, “It means a great deal. It’s about being able to be my absolute truest self as a gay man. In the LGBTQIA+ community most of us have at some point hidden who we are, or an aspect of ourselves to make sure we fit into certain environment or protect ourselves from hate. However here at Raytheon UK I have never felt the need. I am free to be my most authentic self.” He continues, “it is a privilege to be a part of the ERG and keep developing that inclusive, comfortable environment.

    “I have so many plans to mix it up and put us on the right track for employees and our community!” 

    Studies show that being a part of an ERG at work can enrich your experience, something Matt couldn’t agree with more, sharing that his confidence has vastly increased due to opportunities he got through being a part of RTX PRIDE I have been lucky enough to attend events with LGBTQIA+ charity Stonewall and work with our partners at myGwork, which have greatly increased my self-confidence. Not only as a leader but in my main role at Raytheon UK and outside of work.” Matt continued, “Offering experiences like that to RTX PRIDE members going forward is something I am dedicated to doing, learning and growing from our community is so important.”  

    Sharing his vision for the future, Matt tells us how the ERG is a safe space for everyone, regardless of if you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, “it is super important to remember that the RTX PRIDE represents equality and being your true self. That doesn’t mean you have to be a member of the LGBTQIA+ community – everyone is welcome to join and be an ally.” 

    Summing up the ERG, Matt ended with, “RTX PRIDE is a safe place for members to come together to talk, educate each other and most of all celebrate who we are.

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