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Sanofi inclusive employer

Working at Sanofi for the last 4 years, it has been amazing to see the positive progress made in the areas of LGBTQ+ inclusion, as well as diversity & inclusion in general. Our LGBTQIA + Allies employee resource group has grown in size and has achieved some great milestones, and it has been rewarding to participate. As someone who values inclusion strongly, it's so important that the place I work mirrors this and puts it into practice, and Sanofi definitely does so.

Coming out as a transgender on the workfloor was a nightmare for over years. How would be the reactions of everyone, could I stay on my job ?
Well it turned out beyond my dreams in Sanofi, Belgium. Everyone reacted very positive and for now, years later, I haven't recieved a single negative reactions and am fully accepted the way I am. I'm so thankful for my collegues and my management to help me forfill my dreams to become the person I always wanted to be. I still do the same job with the same people surrounding me. Sanofi is an example of letting persons be the way they want to be

I have been a proud employee at Sanofi for 3.5 years now and there is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded how lucky I am to work at Sanofi, a company that fully and unequivocally supports me for who I am.

Two years ago, I helped create SanofiPridePlus, our global LGBTQIA+ employee resource group. At our debut global pride webcast, our CEO joined us on screen to share his support to the entire company and our work has only skyrocketed since. Sanofi truly values diversity and inclusion at its core and I'm incredibly fortunate to be a small part of it.

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