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Unilever inclusive employer

Check out the top LGBTQ+ jobs with Unilever on myGwork, the world’s largest business community for LGBTQ+ professionals, students, and anyone who believes in workplace equality.

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Though LGBTQ+ acceptance is slowly improving, it can still be incredibly difficult for people to come out and express their true identity to their loved ones. To celebrate National Coming Out Day, myGwork reached out to LGBTQ+ employees at Unilever and asked them to share their advice for closeted people. Fabio Lucidi and Joyce Blommaert offered gu...

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By Angharad Stevens, Category Strategy Assistant Manager at UnileverI came out rather explosively and incredibly quickly. I had just moved to Melbourne on my study abroad, and within 48 hours (helped along ever so slightly with some Dutch courage), I was sobbing down the phone to my parents: “I think I’m gay”. Some context to this, I had recen...

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In honor of National Coming Out Day, Daniel Biato, Unilever Management Trainee, shares his story.  He offers a personal insight into his coming out story, giving encouraging advice to closeted people and discussing how Unilever has taken extra steps to make LGBTQ+ people feel safe and included.  Hi Daniel, thanks for chatting wi...

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By Sophie Adshead, Clean Future Managers at Unilever  1. Take small steps - turning your life around to become more climate-conscious can be daunting so pick micro habits you can change to make it more achievable and maintainable 2. Choose an area you’re particularly interested in to start with and explore whether it’s a certain type...

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In this week’s Meet & Greet interview, myGwork member and LGBTQ+ ally Richard Sharp shares why leadership has a duty to make sure that the LGBTQ+ community feels supported and included in the workplace. As Unilever's HR Vice President and Executive Sponsor of its ProUd network, he highlights how the company has succeeding in creating...

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